How do I create an account?
Search “SPILL-APP” in the Apple App Store or Google Play Store. Dassit, hit “install” or “download” to get started. Once downloaded, the Spill app is available to open
Select “Sign Up for an Account” (if you’re new here) and follow the prompts to create
Handles: 2-15 characters in length (alphanumeric & underscores only–no need to add the @ sign)
Passwords: At least 10 characters
(1 upper, 1 lower, 1 special, 1 number)
How do I edit my profile?
To edit your profile, tap the avi icon at the bottom left of the screen to open your profile. Tap the ‘Edit Profile’ button to customize your profile details.
How do I navigate the app's features and functions?
Access the tutorials with a tap on the orange menu button. Tap 'Help' and Click on 'How to Spill 101'
How do I follow people on SPILL?
To connect with users on SPILL, tap on their username within the SPILL feed or find them using the orange menu button, then select search. Hit the follow button in the top-right section of their profile, and you'll immediately start seeing their SPILLs in your feed.
How do I post content (text, images, videos) on the app?
From your home feed, locate the compose shelf at the bottom of the screen. Slide the shelf up and begin your spill, upload or take an image, add video, hyperlink, open GIFs, or make a Poll Spill. Tap ‘done’ or tap the red Spill button to post your Spill.
I despise the colors of the top and bottom menus, can I change it?
Select the gear icon to access the settings, tap ‘Colorways’ and choose your profile presets ( Black Tea, Green Tea, Hibiscus )
I need more than 90 characters
Share your Spill as a Stack. Spill up to 8 cards, all text, all media, mix/match and tell your creative story. Just hit the plus sign on the right to add extra Spills to your STACK.
Someone’s acting outta pocket - how do I report inappropriate content or behavior?
To report inappropriate content or behavior on SPILL, tap the three dots on the post or profile and select "Report." This will automatically go to our moderation team/filters for review. And to their mama.
Someone is annoying me, how do I block them?
To block or mute other users on SPILL, go to their profile page and tap the three dots. From there, select "Block" and confirm your choice. You can unblock a user from your account settings page later if you suddenly like them again.
What is this number next to my followers on my profile page?
Glad you asked! That’s a new feature we call a “rep score.” Your rep score is a rating of how healthy your behavior is on SPILL, with 10 being the highest and 0 being the lowest. Your rep score determines
How do I troubleshoot technical issues, such as login problems or app crashes?
Refer to our Technical Issues article.
What is Tea Party?